The Holi Festival, is considered as one of the most revered and celebrated festivals of India and it is celebrated in almost every part of the country. It is also sometimes called as the “festival of love” as on this day people get to unite together forgetting all resentments and all types of bad feeling towards each other. 

Here at FLOSC we monthly focus’ and in the month of March our focus was on friendships. We also celebrate all global events and one of these events was the Holi Festival. We decided to have our very own Colour run to show our support of the Holi Festival. We explained to the children why the Holi Festival happens around the world and how we can do our very own right here at FLOSC. We set some goals for the children while they participated in the colour run. Some of these goals were that, the children can build new friendships, be more open to their peers and their differences and also be able to acknowledge their friends achievements and be able to celebrate their success.

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